Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine Day = Chocolate Day ?

On the Valentine Day, Shenny happily passed mommy her handmade weaving paper heart shape envelop from school at car.
There were two chocolates inside the envelop. She asked mommy to pick one of chocolates and eat it. Mommy did as was told.  The other chocolate would be given to papa later.

At home, mommy asked Shenny this question:

Mommy: Do you know what is Valentine Day?
Shenny: It is chocolate day.
Mommy: Why?
Shenny: Because you get to eat chocolate on that day.
Mommy: Oh..how do you feel after eating chocolate?
Shenny: ...feel sweet and happy. (grin at mommy)

Mommy reckon this is a very good answer and didn't further elaborate to her about the "real" meaning of Valentine Day.  Let her to think it this way till she realizes herself one day. 
Haha..I guess it is good to let her imagination flow for time-being, I think.

What do you think?


Yannie said...

I also just told April that it was Valentine's Day without futher explaining on the actual meaning of it. Should we?

MeRy said...

Smart answer...

Small Kucing said...

Chocolate! Happy Food!

Mommy to Chumsy said...

hahahahah...that's is cute answer from Shenny. I didn't tell Ashley anything about V-Day :)

Mummy Gwen said...

I did elaborate a bit but I doubt Gwen understands what I said.

Alice Law said...

LOL... my girl also believes valentine is chocolate day, what shall I say... it's in her story book!=_="""

cre8tone said...

Chocolate day! Nice one..

Hayley said...

Haha, guess its partly correct! Chocolates are favourite choices during this special day...

Alice Phua said...

Hahaha....I have never thought of that....Chocolate Day! Cute answer from a child! Btw, my son still doesn't know the existence of Valentine's Day!

Unknown said...

Chocolate Day...let us say that is from the 'eyes' of a child :)

CL said...

smart answer...

anney said...

Cute weaved paper heart! You are sweeter than chocolate Shenny!

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